volcanic vent中文什么意思

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  1. A group of volcanic vents will produce a lava of the same mineral composition .
  2. That view began to change when deep - ocean explorers first encountered diverse ecosystems thriving at the superheated mouths of volcanic vents on the seafloor
  3. The most powerful plume in nature is volcanic plume , which is formed by ejection of mixture of pyroclasts and volcanic gases in to the air from volcanic vent
  4. 4 . three type of basalt is recognized in changle region : a , sapphire - embodied alkli - olivine - basalt of niushan group ( most distributed in fangshan ) , enriched with a large number of mantle - orignated xenoliths with different extent of weathering ; b , alkli - olivine - basalt of niushan group with little sapphire embodied , but contan a few mantle - orignated xenoliths usually samller than that of fangshan , most of the mantle - orignated xenoliths weathered seriously only lefting with some vacant caves , this kind of rock mostly lies in cangshan , taohuashan . and qiaoguan volcanic vent , contain amount of ilmenite ; c , olivine - basalt of yaoshan group , contain neither xenoliths nor sapphire
    4 、在昌乐地区区分出三类主要的玄武岩: a ,牛山组含矿的碱性橄榄玄武岩,位于方山,含大量的大小不一的风化蚀变程度不同的地幔岩包体; b ,牛山组几乎不含矿的碱性橄榄玄武岩,含少量地幔岩包体,且包体一般比方山小,多数已经遭严重风化而只留下空洞,含有相当数量的钛铁矿,主要位于北岩南部的苍山,桃花山及乔官火山口。


  1. volcanic thunder 什么意思
  2. volcanic thunderstorm 什么意思
  3. volcanic tied island 什么意思
  4. volcanic tremor 什么意思
  5. volcanic tuff 什么意思
  6. volcanic water 什么意思
  7. volcanic wind 什么意思
  8. volcanic winter 什么意思
  9. volcanic zone 什么意思
  10. volcanic zone(volcanic belt) 什么意思


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